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Windows 10如何更换硬件而不重装系统 - 全文内容:


Windows 10如何更换硬件而不重装系统



2、过十几秒电脑自动启动到windows修复 模式,出现菜单,按红色框选择:

3、在键盘上按 4 ,电脑重新启动到安全模式,进入安全模式后重启电脑即可了。


思路来源引用: https://support.thinkcritical.com/kb/articles/switch-windows-10-from-raid-ide-to-ahci 

Some systems will have the Windows operating system installed using RAID drivers including the Intel Rapid Storage Technology. SSD drives typically perform better using AHCI drivers.  There is in fact a way to switch operation from either IDE / RAID to AHCI within Windows 10 without having to reinstall.  Here are the steps:

  1. Click the Start Button and type cmd
  2. Right-click the result and select Run as administrator
  3. Type this command and press ENTER: bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal (ALT: bcdedit /set safeboot minimal)
  4. Restart the computer and enter BIOS Setup
  5. Change the SATA Operation mode to AHCI from either IDE or RAID
  6. Save changes and exit Setup and Windows will automatically boot to Safe Mode.
  7. Right-click the Windows Start Menu once more. Choose Command Prompt (Admin).
  8. Type this command and press ENTER: bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot (ALT: bcdedit /deletevalue safeboot)
  9. Reboot once more and Windows will automatically start with AHCI drivers enabled.